Two Sundays ago, we focused on Psalm 1 and our need to embrace God’s
Word. I pray that you are taking the time to do that very thing – to get God’s
Word into your life and then have it run through your life. One thing I do not
think we talked about that Sunday connected to embracing God’s Word is that
when you embrace God’s Word, you will undoubtedly find that God’s Word will be
embrace you. What I mean by that is at different places and times, verses you
have memorized and meditated over will seemingly pop to mind, challenging you
to think about the verse again and again. When this type of thing happens, I believe
that is an indicator of the Holy Spirit seeking to help us. Last Sunday during
the Lord’s Supper I mentioned a verse the Holy Spirit has used with me a lot of
times – Romans 5:8. Another verse the Holy Spirit uses with me is Ephesians 5:8
5:8 – for at one time you were darkness, but now
you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
In those few words, God has reminds me of a couple of critical
facts. First, I was darkness. Second, I am light in the Lord Jesus. Because the
Lord Jesus came, died for our sins on the cross, and rose again, He made it
possible for me to go from darkness to light. The way that happens – for me to
go from darkness to light, for anyone to go from darkness to light, is that I
was introduced to the story of the Lord Jesus and I learned that if I would
turn from sin to God and trust the Lord Jesus as my Savior, He would make me
light in Him.
God has also used Ephesians 5:8 to remind me that because I am
light in the Lord, that fact should change the way I approach and live life – I
need to walk as a child of light. That fact and its call for the right response
is literally life change in a big broad sense, but it should also show up and
impact each area of life. God’s Word really can spark changes in our lives.