Monday, October 18, 2010

Living With a Pure Heart #1

Yesterday in church the message ended by briefly talking about how to live with a pure heart. I want to review that information briefly and then in the next few postings unpack what was quickly touched on in the message.

When a person repents of his or her sin and trust in the Lord Jesus as his or her Savior, that person receives a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26-27). In Acts 15:9 it says God cleanses our hearts when we trust in the Lord Jesus. Because Jesus came to earth, died for our sins and rose again, we receive pure hearts when we trust Him. But how do we live with pure hearts?

One of the ways the Bible answers that question is found in Philippians 2:12-13:

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed-- not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence-- continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

Living with a pure heart is a combined effort. Philippians 2:12 is a command to us. We need to work out our salvation. We need to make choices and take steps to live out the incredible gift of salvation that God has given us in the Lord Jesus. But we are not alone in that effort. In fact verse 13 is telling us at least three important things:

  •  First, God is working in us
  • Second, God is working us to will to want to work out our salvation. God, through the Holy Spirit in the lives of His followers, is stimulating us to act.
  • Third, God is also working in us to act, which means that God gives us the power or energy to work out our salvation.

    When I read those two verses in Philippians 2, I come away with a sense of awe. I have been given the gift of salvation, a gift that leads to my life being transformed.  It can seem a little intimidating to hear that I need to work out my salvation. But before I can even say, “Hey how can I do that?” God communicates His involvement in the process. We can live transformed lives because of who God is and what He is doing for us.

    Over the next few days there will be additional postings that will focus in on things we can do to work out our salvation and experienced the pure and transformed hearts that God gives us in Christ.

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